April 17, 2010

Discovering the Dog: Part II


I've finished my dog! I spent 14 hours in the studio on the 7th in order to have him done by the critique on the 8th. And here he is! I am very happy with him and how he came out. I think I really managed to capture the spirit of Kensie. There are still some things that I want to fix once I have time. There are so many stun marks I want to sand down and I want to try and do something about his wobble. But until this semester and May term are over I am happy with the result and I am somewhat terrified that he is out in the Barrington foyer for anyone to touch and possibly destroy.

this was one of the pictures I used for inspiration. I couldn't decided how to make him look "finished," due to his fluffy appearance. In the end I decided to take a modern approach and make him smooth.

The next pictures are of him on display in his current finished state. Again, they were taken on my cellphone camera, so they are not very good quality.

April 3, 2010

Discovering the Dog: Part I

I have been taking a stone sculpture class this semester, it has been quite enjoyable. We've been working in alabaster since the beginning of February. I decided to sculpt my dog, Kensie, who died in September. It has been a very lengthy process and I wanted to report my progression since I have found so much enjoyment from this medium. This is still a work in progress, I look forward to posting pictures of the completed product!

I didn't remember to take pictures of every stage, but whatever. Also, I apologize for the poor quality of the photos, I took them with the camera on my cell phone.

Here is the stone in a soft form

More shaping

No! Emergency surgery! Get me some epoxy STAT!
This was a truly terrible night. It was my first time back in the studio after about a week and a half due to sickness. Within the first 20 minutes the leg cracked and fell off. About 20 minutes after that the ear cracked as well. So discouraging.

Hurray! As good as new!
Anyways, notice that he now has a neck and a tail!

More definition in the front legs

Here I began separating the front legs from the body and slimming down the chest.

More to come!