January 24, 2010

Fall '09-'10

Here are some of the things that I worked on last semester in my two studio classes:

Portrait of Edwin Booth using patterning without lines

black micron on white paper

Key chain still life with patterning

purple ultra-fine sharpie on gray paper with black micron and white colored pencil for details

Face hybrid, also with patterning

white colored pencil on black paper

These next three are part of a three-series drawing based on Virgil's Aeneid.

Aeneas fleeing Troy

Aeneas departing from Carthage while Dido kills herself

Aeneas and Sybil arrive at the River Styx, presenting the Golden Bough to Charon

graphite and ink wash on watercolor paper.

There are a few more things that I might put up at a later date.