December 17, 2010


I decided to update my Bold & Beautiful family tree on Adobe Illustrator.  It works better than Microsoft Word.  I haven't been keeping up with the show, so none of the information is updated.  That is too hard and time consuming.

Fall Printmaking

Here is some stuff from my printmaking class this past semester.  I chose to focus on robots.  One goal that I had was to have a clear story in my head behind each print.  In a way that helped me develop an emotional connection to the imagery which in turn made me care more about the final result.  With hope, other people will care too.

"Building the Giant" linoleum

"Death of a Hero" linoleum reduction

"Ro-bow Dog Walking Service" woodcut

"F*&?$@!# Doorknobs" intaglio, plexiglass

"Bad Kitty" intaglio, plexiglass (second state of previous print)

"The Robotson's Family Christmas, 1928" intaglio, copper

"Family Heirlooms" monoprint, copper

My midterm and final projects did not center around robots.  When I scan the images I'll post them.  Thanks for looking!