February 24, 2009

"Ah, Venice"

Venice smelled pretty rancid, I won't lie. However, it was still pretty awesome.


As I mentioned in my Rome post, I like juxtapositions.

I'm a sucker for Latin

"Two roads diverged in a Roman wood..."

"...and I, being Julius Caesar, conquered them both"
(An original poem by Dave LaBossiere.)

Rome was amazing

Seeing the Colosseum for the first time was one of the most breathtaking experience I can remember.

I loved seeing the ancient pagan architecture together with the slightly newer Catholic architecture. It helped me to comprehend the vast history in this city.


February 23, 2009


I was lucky enough to be able to travel to Italy last summer with the Gordon College Wind Ensemble where we spent time in Orvieto, Florence, Rome, Assisi, and Venice. I took all these pictures on my Canon PowerShot so the quality is not excellent.

I was completely captivated by this little girl. I don't know why, and the fact that I took multiple pictures of her might be a bit creepy.

There was a procession going on and this guy was able to watch it by just looking outside of his window. I enjoyed that a lot.

This is the Duomo in Orvieto. It is huge and amazingly gorgeous. The Wind Ensemble was able to play in it on multiple occasions, it was an amazing experience.


Hello, dear readers.
As I further delve into my growing photography interest I thought I might like to share with you the things that I see. Please keep in mind that this is a developing interest, I have not been at this very long.

Currently I am taking a photography class dealing exclusively with film and I am absolutely loving it. The development process is so interesting and though the time that you take going through the different steps to get to a final print is lengthy, you really become fully invested in the outcome of the print. I wish I didn't have to return my key to the darkroom at the end of the semester so I could continue with my new found favorite past-time.

Anyways, since I have been focusing primarily on film, my posts my be few and far between to begin with. I hope to be more active later on.
