February 22, 2011


I'm thinking about switching to tumblr. I like the cleaner look. and uploading photos on here has been pissing me off lately.

so right now I'm trying it out, here is a link the my tumblr, if you feel so inclined. it's nothing much. maybe I'll post more often, update with information about how my thesis is going and all that fun stuff.


December 17, 2010


I decided to update my Bold & Beautiful family tree on Adobe Illustrator.  It works better than Microsoft Word.  I haven't been keeping up with the show, so none of the information is updated.  That is too hard and time consuming.

Fall Printmaking

Here is some stuff from my printmaking class this past semester.  I chose to focus on robots.  One goal that I had was to have a clear story in my head behind each print.  In a way that helped me develop an emotional connection to the imagery which in turn made me care more about the final result.  With hope, other people will care too.

"Building the Giant" linoleum

"Death of a Hero" linoleum reduction

"Ro-bow Dog Walking Service" woodcut

"F*&?$@!# Doorknobs" intaglio, plexiglass

"Bad Kitty" intaglio, plexiglass (second state of previous print)

"The Robotson's Family Christmas, 1928" intaglio, copper

"Family Heirlooms" monoprint, copper

My midterm and final projects did not center around robots.  When I scan the images I'll post them.  Thanks for looking!

November 12, 2010

Fall Semester 2010

Here is some work that I have done this semester for my Design II class.  Both of them were done on Adobe Illustrator.  I've also been taking a printmaking class, I'll post work from that once I scan it. 

entry for Threadless <3 Tron: Legacy, not very well appreciated amongst the voters.

Typographic Portrait, Lucida Calligraphy
picture used for Typographic Portrait.

August 7, 2010

Just For Fun

This summer I have been working on the paint crew at my school, painting dorm rooms and the like.  One day during lunch I decided to watch TV and discovered The Bold And The Beautiful.  I was intrigued.  I wanted to have a stronger understanding of the show's history so I decided to make this family tree.  In the end I don't know if "a stronger understanding" was reached.  But give the complexity established through the refusal of this group of people to look for love outside of their inner-circle I don't know if that goal can ever be reached.

click on the image to see it in more detial

July 25, 2010

May Term 2010

I took two may term classes after spring semester, one in painting and the other in figure drawing.  In retrospect I think one would have been a better decision.  In spite of that I managed to make it through the four weeks alive remaining mostly sane.  Here are some things from that month. 

oil and liquin on canvas. section of draped fabric
oil and liquin on canvas. still life of 3D shapes

white pencil on black paper, patterning, no edge lines.  this is a drawing from a picture of a sculpture.

I took these pictures with my cell phone camera, so they are not the best quality.  Someday I will take good pictures of my artwork.  Someday. 

Also, blogger has changed some things since April.  I am getting kind of frustrated with their new system of publishing posts.   

April 17, 2010

Discovering the Dog: Part II


I've finished my dog! I spent 14 hours in the studio on the 7th in order to have him done by the critique on the 8th. And here he is! I am very happy with him and how he came out. I think I really managed to capture the spirit of Kensie. There are still some things that I want to fix once I have time. There are so many stun marks I want to sand down and I want to try and do something about his wobble. But until this semester and May term are over I am happy with the result and I am somewhat terrified that he is out in the Barrington foyer for anyone to touch and possibly destroy.

this was one of the pictures I used for inspiration. I couldn't decided how to make him look "finished," due to his fluffy appearance. In the end I decided to take a modern approach and make him smooth.

The next pictures are of him on display in his current finished state. Again, they were taken on my cellphone camera, so they are not very good quality.